It is well known that the sound "mmmmmm" shape, from human criature origins, a special bio cultural synapomorphy that extends forward whereever humans are known living nowadays over this small planet.
mTheory was recently proposed as a equivalent, in spanish (mTeoría) to the well sounded term UnTheory, in english equivalent.
Thus, mTheory and UnTheory may be considered synonimous, with the great advantage that prevent, in this way, a certain possible ostracism towards that kind of polymathic language, because they think it is to much radical to take out All Theories as unusefull at all... may be...
In this new way, you write "mTheory" and another very diferent thing can be understood: that is, which we are trying to reflecting towards how the "new" holistic epistemology derived from the four or five new theories flying around what we call, the universality of human ecolocation, may be approach widing the scopes of what reductionist approach made available, all that before tha actual global sistemic revolution...
Well "mTheory", and any term you could find with this "m" particle at the beginning of the term, means that explicitly we try to approach knowledge under a fenomenal scope... a scope that guarantees that you and me are speaking about a certain level of concretion that prevent conversation become too much abstract and for that, far from the principles of a epistemology phenomenologically rooted...
"mTheory", as any meme, new or old, may be considered a fuzzy term, that lives in a universe of possibilities fluctuating at a "circular" (360º) pendulum...
Yes, from the beginning it is nor easy to imagine a circular pendulum, but it is possible to imagine one...
A circular 360º pendulum means, that possibilities always may be considered actualy infinite...
Fuzzy logic, and our own extension, or derivation, towards infimonikal logic (or matematical system), treat with infinite possibilities (between the black, and the white). Thus, in this case, black and white disappears as absolute and dichotomical-and-clearly-able-to-diferentiate-values.
In this way you are not moving between one extreme (may be ten, in classroom) and the other (zero). You may choose, using scientific fuzzy operating rules, discovered in the last sixties, by Zadeh, a circle image where you haven't any extreme at any side of a supossed right line.
You are thus thinking and counting in a more logical (systemic or complex) way...
All that systems are complementary. We have not old methods and new methods. We change the way we look at the world, and the world appears, "fulminantemente", as part of your "scientific team". You look at the world choosing, as a preliminary proof, two memes, and your own biological complex system as a dynamic and "within-the-searched-system-approach" epistemologist, and nothing more...
Well, in that infimonikal triad, you have you (see personal dimension in David Selby Global education), you have the world, (as-a-continuous-ecosystem) (or Gaya), and Bacteria, whose biology, and social ecology is taking towards absolute epistemological bankrupt to very much of what (human) sociologists was saying about (human) sociology (trans bacterial sociology)...
When you articulate in a dynamic systemic fashion that three levels or dimensions of your own personal, and scientific reality, it is no so easy to follow with the old dychotomies all around.
That is why "mTheory" seems a interesting trick to "maternalising" all modern (and old) science. (radykal niñarky)
ii -- kienes preokupados, realmente, x un futuro, de la vida en sentido
amplio terrikolakuariences,... iii,... x lukydema./lmm... -- video -
Antonio García-Olivares. Mesa crecimiento. Peak Oil Barbastro. iii...
*ii -- kienes preokupados, realmente, x un futuro, de la vida en sentido
amplio terrikolakuariences,... iii,... x lukydema./lmm...*
video - Antonio G...